TRANSFORM, March, 2024

Speak Your Truth

For so many years I would be reluctant to share with the people I was working with what I really saw and felt.  I did this because:

-I didn’t want to hurt them or see them cry

-I didn’t want them to be angry with me

-I didn’t want them to only focus on the scary or bad part of the message and miss the rest

-I didn’t want to lose business

You might relate to some of those fears and excuses when you stop yourself from saying what you really see and feel about and with someone else.  It’s particularly difficult when you want to help them and can’t see how sharing bad information would do that.  We’ve come to accept the belief that we must only show love one way and that’s by pleasing others to make them happy. 

With all those excuses I gave above eventually I discovered they were getting in the way of doing my job.  I use my abilities to not only help people see their own strengths but teach how to transform the weaknesses as well. If you never include them in the conversation, they just get pushed back in the minds of those people you are trying to help.

Let’s get The Council’s take on this.


My name is Vex and I shared some thoughts with you last month on love.  It makes sense that if you truly love yourself and others you give the best expressions of that love.  So, let’s look at the various premises that you’ve been given and believed to see them differently.

1-If you are good and a loving person you don’t say mean things to others. You don’t purposely hurt another person.  See, that’s the perfect example of where the darker energies take a small piece of the truth and wrap all kinds of rules around it.  No, you don’t want to hurt another person.  But the truth is you hurt people in your life everyday in some way or another regardless of all your good intentions.  How do you do this?  Realistically you can’t please everyone in your life at the same time. If you try to please one person then the other person will say you are taking sides. If you try to please both at the same time, they will say you are the problem.

2-Agreeing to do things you don’t like or want to do.  In trying to please others and saying what you think they want to hear often it gets you into trouble. That’s because usually you are agreeing to do their wishes or even agree with their philosophies.  If they are trying to get you to commit to something you don’t want to do that also becomes a problem. Then even when you make yourself do that it doesn’t come out “right” because you’ve been forced and manipulated.  You feel worse and realize you are betraying your own intuition and soul in the process.

3-If you tell a lie, it’s bad.  What gets you tangled up in that web is the definition of a lie.  We find it interesting that you’ve tried to adapt that by convincing yourself it’s a small “white” lie or not telling the whole truth.  What’s even more interesting to us is that the very people you are having to “lie” to do it all the time.  You just don’t see it or look for it as you are so caught up in trying to cover your own lie without making them feel bad. We can tell you that you won’t go to “HELL” by lying as there is no hell, but it can create a separation in your soul and retard your own abilities.

4-If you say the truth as you see it the other person or people will cut you out of their lives due to anger and resentment.  That’s a good one.  It is a fact that everyone lies to each other on your planet.  Certainly, they do this for various reasons, but still the more one lies the easier it gets to convince yourself that is the truth.  Historians will tell you that various lies often become “truths” if enough people believe them.  It’s not about truths and lies.  It’s about what beliefs the majority choose to believe that makes them imprinted in their lives.  This is a feeble attempt to try and fit in for the very reason we stated.  Would you rather be included with people who don’t believe the same as you?  How far would you go to join in even when your gut is screaming at you to get out or away just to be accepted?  However far that measurement is defines your value to you and them.

5-Finally, self-doubt shows up. What if you are wrong? This excuse is a big one for you worriers.  Doubting the truth of what you are saying because it doesn’t make sense to you.  So many times angels and guides will push a friend or someone else in your life to say something when you are listening to them.  Usually, it’s important whatever it is. Likewise, it’s so important for you to just share that thought that is on the tip of your tongue or in your head as it is designed for that person at that moment. IT DOESN’T HAVE TO MAKE SENSE TO YOU.  Whatever it is that being pushed for you to say is usually coming from a higher source and it will touch that other person’s heart and soul.  If the other person denies what you’ve said or even ignores you that’s OK. It just means they have been touched and don’t want to admit it or they just can’t see it yet. 

In using your voice and sharing thoughts that are trying to come through you means you are expressing love from the highest place possible because it will be the truth for that moment and that person. It doesn’t have to be your truth.  It’s something they need to hear in order to shift, change, or even make a decision about their life. 

So how do you do this-speak your truth?

1-hurting people:  When you ask for help in sharing something that doesn’t sound pleasant it will come across in the best vibration possible.  You can say it with gentleness and be genuine.  The opportunity is in front of you for you to share something important.  Listen and ask what that is as it comes out of your mouth.  You’ve all had experiences when words that just came tumbling out of you and you instantly wondered where it came from.  Those are guides, angels, and other support sources trying to help everyone involved. The truth doesn’t have to be sugar coated or wrapped in a lie.  Another way to look at the idea you would be hurting someone is to remember that people who manipulate will act hurt at first and then angry as they no longer can make you do what they want.  That’s a good thing.

2-agreeing to do something you don’t want to do:  If you do something half-heartedly it’s going to show.  The person asking this of you doesn’t care if you want to do it or not.  They often are just manipulating you to do something they don’t want to do.  How does anyone grow just controlling like that?  They don’t.  In speaking your truth, you get to say in response:

“I will have to look at that and get back to you.  I am not sure I can do that.” You can just say, “I’m uncomfortable with that and don’t want to do it.” The key is to NOT RESPOND IMMEDIATELY but take some time to step back and find new ways of being truthful with that person. 

3- telling a lie instead:  We get there are variations of lies available to you.  The issues aren’t the lie itself as much as it is the feeling you get afterwards like guilt. That’s what other people pick up on and immediately react to it. So let’s say someone is asking if you like their new hairdo or new clothes. You don’t have to lie.  If it’s a good fit, then go for it.  If it’s not, then you could come from a place of finding one small piece that is truthful.  If they persist then you can either change the subject which is an answer in itself or bring up some other clothing they have you like.  Of course, the concept of beauty is different in everyone’s eyes which is yet another way to look at this type of situation. 

If it’s someone trying to find out about your time or relationships or things like that, in fact, it’s really none of their business. This is where clear boundaries are important to show and either change the subject or ask them a question instead.

4-You will be disconnected or pushed out:  This one is a little tougher than the others particularly if it involves family or work situations.  The best way to get around the idea of lying or not speaking your truth is to simply not say anything.  Or you can give them a small piece of something else in reply. Most of the time empaths and compassionate people tend to share a lot more than they need to.  You can always ask your guides on help in responding to those situations.  There are exceptions to that however because there are times you need to be willing to share to your friends, family, and co-workers.  Truth can be shared knowing that you’ve spoken your part, and everything is working perfectly. You are going to experience being pushed out or “abandoned” by other people as you grow. It is simply the Universe and your soul saying it’s time to move forward to find like-minded people to connect with.

5-Self-doubt:  This one tends to show up a lot in your lives as you are each growing spiritually.  That doubt is one of the last tools darker energies can use against you.  If darker energies can convince you that you are wrong and could make a mistake, then you are being controlled and stopped from seeing the power of speaking truths.  Whatever it is you remember and have labeled as a “mistake” in this life was The Universe trying to help you see things differently.  You didn’t do wrong or make the wrong choice. You just got to experience another level of learning to see differently in the future.  You control the self-doubt by erasing it when it shows up and putting “growing and learning” in its place.

As you learn to speak your “truths” you will discover a power you’ve not had before.  It’s not to control but to expand your energy while also tearing a piece of the darker side apart bringing in light instead. That’s how you change a planet.

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