Spring Check-In For Your Soul



Now seems as good a time to do a check in with your soul to enable you to see more clearly where you want to go in the next six months.  It’s spring so we could call it spring cleaning.  But also it’s a great reminder that new ideas, new directions, and new connections await us.  If we don’t clear out some of the garbage in our minds and body, it’s going to take longer to find and explore those new directions and connections.  You clean your house (??) and you clean your body, why not check in to see if your soul is happy?

As I write this we are going to experience a phenomena that is seen as rare.  A total solar eclipse where it’s visible In most of the populated US.  What does this mean to us?  You know hundreds of years ago these events were seen with fear thinking the Gods were angry.  Now we know much more about them.  But there’s always more than what you can see.  My sources have said that this eclipse is allowing information, frequencies, and memories to slide to Earth’s surface coming from a place far away. 

So you might be having trouble sleeping, feeling tired but also feeling like your body is being filled with electrical energies, and even might have some weird dreams and thoughts.  All of this connects to these memories we have from being other places which can help us remember who we really are and what we are capable of.  So take some time today and just get quiet and reach out and touch the various frequencies to see what shows up for you.

Back to spring cleaning for the soul.  I’m going to ask you to think about some questions for you to do this your way.  Answer them as truthfully as possible because you can’t really cheat the soul. It will talk to you as it tries to guide you.  The goal here is for you to see if you are on track and what do you need to release to invite new thoughts, new ideas and clarity into your life.  Maybe some renovations in the corners of your soul?


1-How often during your day do you listen to your body when it tells you to slow down or take a break?  If it is hurting or heavy somewhere ask your body what are you absorbing that you don’t need.

The idea here is if you won’t even pay attention to what you need to make it through the day how do you expect to be creative and have energy?”

2-How often do you find yourself giving into other people’s wishes/demands when you don’t want to do what they ask/demand?  Are you afraid of hurting them or making them angry?  Are you concerned they won’t like/love you?

If you’re busy trying to please others, you aren’t paying attention to your soul and what it’s telling you. Sacrifices, martyrdom, serving others isn’t going to work any longer for you. There is no version of God, Prime Source, or Creator that ask you for that. So why do you do it?

3-When the soul speaks of being happy what does that look like to you?

In other words, remember the last time you truly felt happy throughout your mind and body.  What makes YOU HAPPY (please don’t say serving others)

4-When you start your day do you focus on what must be done or can you see and feel a potential flow to it? Are you comfortable not getting it all done at the end of the day? Does that define your success or value?  In other words, how bad does it have to get for you to let go of your version of control?

5-What if you were able to sit out there in space and watch yourself during your day?  What is most important at the end of the day? Are you pleased with yourself?

I challenge you to look at these questions and give them some thought. If you can’t even carve out 30 minutes to reflect then you are definitely in trouble and your soul is definitely sad.

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