Transform, August, 2023

A Battle For Earth

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been struggling lately just trying to keep my energy up and not crashing.  I’ve had some difficulty focusing when I want to. I find myself being distracted easily even with simple tasks. I’ve had strange pains showing up all over my body at times which could be alarming if I were someone who didn’t know to look further.  Taking naps is helpful but not the answer I’m looking for. 
I am hearing from others that this is happening to them as well.  There even are some big problems or issues they’ve had to deal with.  It’s been physical issues that have shown up.  Or maybe it’s been relationship issues as the struggle comes when knowing how and when to let go of relationships that no longer connect the same way.  I was told last month that August would be a month of feeling stretched and not knowing which way to go for future endeavors or goals.  So, I’ve been asking what is going on here?

To my surprise I have had a guide whose specialty is creating who is responding to my questions.  He spoke last month on manipulating and will share some thoughts and ideas answering some of our questions and concerns from his perspective. Understand he sees the bigger picture first and then looks to see what is needed for balance.


It might be interesting for you to know that as we can see your whole planet, we also are observing the various layers of frequencies that run through and around your world.  When I say “we” it implies there are a number of us who have agreed to help and protect Earth to keep balance stable.  We know that earth is a hologram where anything is possible.  That simply means that each of you have all the choices you need in front of you.  You get to choose to live in the higher frequencies or dip into the lower ones from time to time.  Then you have those people who choose to stay in the lower frequencies.  Some are in a body and others have moved on. 

There is a battle going on right now for control over your planet.  We say this not to scare you or cause anxiety.  We can see the darkness like a huge wave trying to overcome as many people as possible.  We simply want you to understand what is happening from a global scale.  Do not misunderstand we are not saying your world is crashing or even that the darkness will win.  We simply are trying to explain why some of the things you are experiencing are happening.  Also, we want you to understand that most people simply aren’t AWARE or AWAKE so they are caught in the middle of this clash feeling chaotic or fearful and not knowing why.

Just like with your Syfy movies darker forces that have been on earth since the beginning are being hit with another darker group of beings who have come to earth to try and take over for themselves.  This isn’t new so don’t be shocked. It’s like some of the battles we’ve seen in your past where one nation tries to conquer another.   It happens from time to time as most of the other galaxies see Earth as ripe for changes. 

What Does This Mean for You? 

For some alien groups coming in this means they want to control the existing structures in both the higher and lower realms.  That has put the various “tribes” of beings who belong to the lower frequencies on alert.  They are immersed in battles over control and so need more energy. That means they have been working overtime to try and pull you down into the lower way of thinking and being.  How are they doing this?

1-They have been creating so many distractions it would be almost impossible for you to not be affected.

2-They are looking for ways to get your attention and energy to control your thoughts.  If they can convince you that you have so much to do each day that allows them to sneak in sucking your energy dry.

3-They also love to throw obstacles at you which distract you from your ability to see clearly.  They are experts in pulling up the old way of thinking where you find yourself using words like “not fair”, “right and wrong”, and “why me?”  That way they will have more humans (dead and alive) in their armies to fight off these invaders.

4-Most of all they work at helping you forget to meditate and reconnect to your higher source.  If you are distracted and so busy and tired and/or dealing with problems, you don’t think to check in and see just how much of that is yours and what isn’t much less take the time to meditate and rebalance.

I will say there are also other groups of beings from other places who are here to help coming from a loving position as well.  It’s just hard for you to hear and see them much less connect if you are being so overwhelmed you just crash at the end of each day.  These beautiful beings love to help and are being called in to help us create more balance.  For us “balance” means that there is flow within the higher and mid-range frequencies that there can be unrestricted flow of energy, thoughts, and connections.  Sometimes you forget that all your hard work to “grow” spiritually is there and you are entitled to see your daily life flow.

So what can you do?

1-FOR CLARITY: Meditate at least 10-15 minutes each day.  If you just get calm and ask for the blue/white light to come down through your crown chakra into your body that “washes” away all those old feelings and helps to repair the body.  It aligns you back within those higher frequencies which makes it easier to stay in a calm place during your day.  Your body requires you to eat and sleep and your soul equally requires reconnecting with intention during this time of chaos.  If you don’t eat properly or loose sleep, it’s hard for you to maintain balance. If you don’t at least try to connect daily to higher energies your soul gets depleted as well.

2-MANAGE YOUR TIME BETTER.  To distract you they must convince you that you don’t have enough time or energy to accomplish all those tasks for the day.  It’s your mind, use it.  Use your meditation time to see yourself in the Universal Flow of everything.  See yourself floating along during your day and accomplishing what is NEEDED not what you think you must do to be productive. Set a few goals and let the rest happen or not. Those voices saying you are being lazy are the darker ones whispering in your ear to cause you to work harder. 

3-NOTICE YOUR ENERGY LEVELS.  If you’ve invited the white light of higher frequencies into your body, then all you need to do is notice when your energy fluctuates.  When it feels like it’s dropping stop and take a moment to go to a beautiful memory or ask to connect with your guides. Ask for help and energy to restore your mind and body.  Then ask your body what it needs to bring your energy back up.  It might be to pull something attached to you off or check and see how relaxed you are.  If you have tension across your shoulders or anywhere else in your body, it’s time to STOP and just let the tension go.   Take some deep breaths and see calmness moving throughout your body.  If you want a visual, see that you are filling up your empty gas tank of your car on high octane and ready to go.

4-PROTECTION: If you know you are going to be in a heavy place that is the time to put on some armor to help protect you.  Watch your emotions and don’t let darker energies sneak into your feelings.  In this chaotic time there’s going to be a lot of people who aren’t necessarily fully immersed in darkness but somewhere in between.  They are being distracted, too, and so don’t think they are doing something personal towards you.  They simply aren’t in their heads at all.

5-ASK FOR HELP.  Each of you have access to so many resources who would love to help you.  Those newer ones who are coming in are very eager to assist you in helping to not only stabilize the higher frequencies on this planet but also to help your environment feel calmer.  YOU have the power to change your environment by simply calming down and pushing that out watching it move in layers like small waves all around you.  This is the time to use your true power to stay balanced and SEE WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING.  You have all the tools and help you need.  YOU ARE POWERFUL and creating your life one day at a time.

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